Monday, March 22, 2004

Back at it again

Today was the first day back after Spring Break. Even though I was here for most of Break, today was like coming back from a long vacation. Last week was pretty slow at work, and I was able to catch up on a lot. I did get everything caught up today, and had a chance to update the Spectrum website. I added some new announcements and a java chat room. Woohoo! I'm hoping people will start using the site as a way to communicate and stay connected. At any rate, I got some more work done on the site, and that makes me happy. It's even done in a nice pastel motif for Spring. I'm liking it now, but I'll also be happy when I can change it out and go to more newsletter-y color schemes.

No real profound thought for the day. I had a nice lunch with Mandy. I had a long meeting after work, but it was a decent meeting about important issues (moving forward on action items regarding multicultural student issues). I'm watching "A Might Wind," a fabulous mockumentary by the same folks as "Best in Show." And it is good. So thus endeth my thoughts for the day.