Thursday, September 09, 2004

Things that are pissing me off

I have about 5 minutes to post before I have to train a new employee. This seemed like a good topic.
  • HaloScan taking FOREVER to pull up comments. Seriously, I am limited on my blog time right now, and waiting on Halo is making me crazy.
  • My laptop being MIA. I'm in serious withdrawal here, people!
  • People (often employees) who cannot (or rather, choose not to) read. Here are clear instructions. Do not ignore them. Do NOT ask me a question if the answer is contained in these clear instructions.
  • Overbearing parents. "My child can't get into his account. He's taking a lot of credits, and is too busy to come see you. Please call him and give him his password and username." Bite me. If Junior is so busy he can't find 20 minutes in a whole week to get into his account, he doesn't need it. He's too busy to read email. And if he can't handle this kind of shit on his own, he will starve at college, because you're not there to remind him to eat. It's called growing up. Let him/make him.

How's that for a 5 minute rant? I miss posting more regularly, and will do so when a) things quiet down in the office or b) I get my damned laptop back in working order.

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